Sort and Filter Expression Syntax

The syntax of sort/filter expressions is similar to that used in Java expressions.

Expressions are made up of a set of terms that can be parenthetically separated using the ( and ) characters, and can be joined using the AND and OR operators. Delimiters are used as follows:

  • Text string fields are delimited using the ' character.
  • Expressions denoting date/time ranges can use different delimiters with different meanings, as described in Using Date Time Ranges.
  • Other fields require no delimiters.
  • You can include Attributex = NULL//Empty or Attributex != NULL/Empty in query strings to show attributes which have not been set.

Some examples of filter expressions are:

(priority = 1) OR ((priority < 12) AND (priority > 4)) OR (description='fred')
(startDate>=2010-05-23T14:25:10) OR description='a_b*a' AND (priority<>13) OR (description='1?3*')
(priority=35) OR description='a_b*a' AND (priority<>13) OR (description ='1?3*')
visible=TRUE OR ((startDate>2010-05-23T14:25:10) AND (distributionStrategy=OFFERED))
(startDate <= 2006-05-23T14:25:10.123Z) OR endDate<2010-05-23
priority=35 AND [2010-05-23T14:25:10,2006-05-23T14:25:10]
attribute1=5346 OR attribute4=’Urgent’