SOAP API - getCalendarReferences

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getCalendarReferences.

Request Uses the getCalendarReferences element (from the OrgModelService schema)
Parameter notes
  • model-version: Can be obtained using listOrgModelVersions.
  • entity-type: Note that the getCalendarReferences element indicates that entity-type is a required parameter. However, you can omit entity-type and just identify the required organization model entity by its GUID. (This is because entity-type is defined within the XmlModelEntityId shared element. Its use is mandatory with other operations.)
  • guid: Can be obtained using getOrgModel.
Response Returns a getCalendarReferencesResponse element (from the OrgModelService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:org="">
      <org:getCalendarReferences model-version="-1"  guid="_36QRkMoOEeG-IPt6GUFXxA">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <getCalendarReferencesResponse xmlns="">
         <calendar calendar-alias="standard" entity-guid="_36QRkMoOEeG-IPt6GUFXxA" entity-label="Sales" entity-name="Sales" entity-type="ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT" model-version="9" xmlns=""/>