JavaScript Exclusions

Certain facilities of standard JavaScript are not supported in TIBCO Business Studio.

These are:

  • The JavaScript new operator is not supported for creating new objects. The factory methods described in Using Structured Data Types and listed in the Business Data Services Guide are used instead.
  • The JavaScript arithmetical operators are not supported for use with the new data types described in Using Structured Data Types. Instead, use the methods listed in the Business Data Services Guide for the appropriate underlying data type.
  • You cannot define functions in scripts: that is, the JavaScript function() method is not supported. An error saying Local method definition is not allowed is generated.

    It is not regarded as good practice within TIBCO Business Studio for scripts to be too large or to provide behavior which would be better and more clearly provided by the diagrammed business process. Scripts should provide only the necessary connections between the process, the services it uses, and work items.

  • The switch(){case: default:} statement is not supported.
  • JavaScript regular expressions are not supported.
  • The valueOf() method is not supported.

    You can achieve the same results by using toString() instead.

  • The Try/Catch statement is not supported.
  • The === operator is not supported
  • "in" is a reserved keyword in JavaScript and is not supported.
    Note: Note that braces, {..}, are required in an if statement and in for and while loops by the TIBCO Business Studio script editor, although they are only optional in JavaScript.

    Although braces are not compulsory in JavaScript if, for and while statements their use is in any case good practice.