LDAP Container is No Longer Available After Upgrading

If you upgrade ActiveMatrix BPM from a pre-version 2.2 system, the LDAP container may no longer be available.

This problem can occur if both of the following happen:

  • You add a new ActiveMatrix BPM system to an existing ActiveMatrix enterprise before upgrading an existing pre-version 2.2 ActiveMatrix BPM system. (This is not a supported upgrade path - you must upgrade any pre-version 2.2 ActiveMatrix BPM systems before you add an additional ActiveMatrix BPM system to the enterprise. See "Adding an Additional ActiveMatrix BPM System to an Existing ActiveMatrix Enterprise" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Installation and Configuration.)


  • You create LDAP Connection resource templates for the new ActiveMatrix BPM system that are scoped to the enterprise level. (Resource templates for post-version 2.2 ActiveMatrix BPM systems should be scoped to the BPM application itself, not to the enterprise.)

If you then upgrade the existing pre-version 2.2 ActiveMatrix BPM system, the upgrade process may incorrectly rescope the enterprise-level LDAP Connection resource templates created for the new ActiveMatrix BPM system to the scope of the newly upgraded BPM application. Consequently:

  • The associated resource instances are deployed to the nodes on which the upgraded BPM application is running, rather than the nodes they were initially deployed to.
  • The LDAP Alias for the LDAP container referenced by these resource templates no longer appears in the Organization Browser.

Using ActiveMatrix Administrator:


  1. Identify the LDAP Connection resource templates that have been scoped to the wrong instance of the BPM application. Rescope them to the correct instance of the BPM application.
  2. Click Deploy for both BPM applications to ensure that the associated resource instances are moved to the correct nodes.