Specifying a Filter Expression

The filtering function allows you to build a “filter expression” that is applied to all items that could potentially be in the list. If an item satisfies the filter expression, it is shown in the list; if it does not satisfy the filter expression, it is not shown in the list.

Specifying a filter expression is done using the filter dialog.

The dialog is divided into two panes. The top panes displays the filtered items. The pane below the top pane displays the attributes you can select.

This dialog is displayed by clicking on the Filter button, by selecting Filter from the event list pane or when creating a view with the view wizard.

Specifying a filter expression is done from the filter dialog.


  1. Choosing a Filter Grouping - This specifies “All Of” or “Any Of”.
  2. Selecting Filter Attributes - The values in the attributes you choose determine whether or not each item is included in the list.
  3. Applying the Filter Expression - This tells you how many items will be returned from the server and shown in the list.