Using SQL Query Builder

SQL Query Builder provides a graphical interface that provides access to your database schema and objects so that you can quickly create or edit SQL statements without actually typing any SQL code.

Note: This section provides only a brief overview of the Query Builder. See the Data Tools Platform Guide for more detailed information about its features and how to use it. You can find this guide in the Supplemental Eclipse Help section of the TIBCO Business Studio Help system.

The Query Builder contains three panes:

  • The Outline Pane
    ()   The Outline pane contains the SQL statement. You can either edit this directly in this pane or use the Table and Detail panes to automatically build it up.
  • The Table Pane
    ()   The Table pane displays the tables and columns to use in the SQL statement. To add a table, right-click anywhere in the Table pane and select Add Table.
  • The Detail Pane
    ()   The Detail pane contains information appropriate to the SQL statement and tables in the first two panes. For example, you can use it to define conditions in the statement, or to define the sort order and type of selected table columns.