Fix some columns and allow reordering of others


  1. Open the appropriate listDefault.xml file (as described above).
  2. Locate the <object type="jsx3.gui.Matrix"> element.
  3. In the <variants> sub-element, add a jsxfixedcolumnindex attribute and set its value to the number of columns you would like fixed—all higher columns are reorderable. For example, if you set jsxfixedcolumnindex="3", columns 1, 2, and 3 will be fixed, and columns 4 and higher will be reorderable:
    Note: If neither jsxreorder nor jsxfixedcolumnindex are present in the listDefault.xml file, reordering is turned on by default.
    <object type="jsx3.gui.Matrix">
    <variants jsxpagingmodel="3" jsxselectionmodel="2" jsxscalewidth="0" jsxheaderheight="18" jsxrowheight="20" jsxfixedcolumnindex="3"></variants>
  4. Save and colse the listDefault.xml file.