SOAP API - getOfferSet

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getOfferSet.

Request Uses the getOfferSet element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Parameter notes
  • workItemID: ID of the work item for which information is required.
  • version: (Optional) If it is omitted, the latest version is used.
  • apiVersion: (Optional) If this is omitted or set to 1, the operation returns only the GUIDs of the entities in the offer set (as was the behavior in previous versions).

    If this parameter is set to 2 (or to any value except 1), the operation returns the XMLModelEntityId for the entities in the offer set; this specifies the resource ID, the major version number of the organization model in which it is included, and the entity type.

Response Returns a getOfferSetResponse element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">
         <workItemID id="3"/>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <getOfferSetResponse xmlns="">
         <entityGuid xmlns="">_5i1V0CfLEeChutsy_vK9tg</entityGuid>