
Query information about process templates that match specified criteria.

  • The request must specify a query that defines the search criteria.
  • The response returns information from process templates according to the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).
Action QueryProcessTemplates
Parameter Notes
  • filter: a filter string to query Event Collector. For example, the following filter string could be used: DEFINITION.NAME='abc' AND DEFINITION.DESCRIPTION>'desc' AND DEFINITION.VERSION<>'1.2.3'.

    An empty filter returns all templates.

  • sort: a sort string to query Event Collector. For example, the following sort string could be used: DEFINITION.NAME ASC , DEFINITION.DESCRIPTION ASC , DEFINITION.VERSION DESC.

    See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - BPM Developer’s Guide for more information about executing queries against Event Collector.

  • startItem: index of first process template to be retrieved.
  • numItems: the number of process templates to retrieve.
Return ProcessTemplateListResult

Required System Actions
