Managed Objects and Events

Managed objects are tracked by TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM in the runtime environment. Managed objects include process templates, process instances, work items, organization model entities, resources and TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM components.

Events are things that happen to managed objects that need to be recorded for logging and/or auditing purposes. For example:

  • when a process template is created, deleted or updated.
  • when a process instance is started, suspended, resumes or completes.
  • when a work item is opened, closed, suspended, submitted or completed.
  • when a resource is created, mapped to a group, updated or deleted.

An event records what happens to a managed object, when it happened, and the context that the event happened in.

The event format used by BPM is the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Event format.

Note: You can configure whether TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM purges all process instance data when the instance completes, or whether it stores this information. See "Purging Processes through the Command Line Interface" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administrator's Guide for more information.