SOAP API - navigateCaseDetailed

The table summarizes the SOAP API - navigateCaseDetailed.

Request Uses the NavigateCaseDetailedRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter notes
  • sourceCaseReference. The case reference of case data that has data associated with it. For example, a customer. You must specify only one source case reference.
  • targetRoleName (optional). The name of the association that was specified when the association was created using linkCase. For example, orders. If omitted, then results are included for all rolenames.
  • includeLabelAndType (optional). If set to true, then labels are included for role names and, if case summary is included, case summary attributes.
  • includeSummary (optional). If set to true, then a case summary is included along with each returned case. The content of the case summary is the same as that returned by getCaseSummary.
  • queryOptions (optional). Specifies the pagination options.
    • startPosition (optional). The position in the list of case references from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
    • maxResults (optional). The number of items to include.
Response Returns a NavigateCaseDetailedResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">
      <api:NavigateCaseDetailedRequest includeLabelAndType="true" includeSummary="true">
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <NavigateCaseDetailedResponse xmlns="">
         <caseObjectsByRole xmlns="">
               <details isCaseIdentifier="true">
                  <label>Pin Code</label>
                  <value>SN1 5JU</value>
         <caseObjectsByRole xmlns="">
               <details isCaseIdentifier="true">
                  <label>Car Number</label>
                  <value>HV07 AXA</value>