Tailoring the AuditMessages List

If the default audit level does not exactly fit your needs, you can amend it. The simplest and safest way to tailor the level of auditing is by explicitly adding further message IDs to the list of eligible messages given in the <messageIds section of the AuditMessages rule, or conversely by deleting unwanted message IDs from the list.

For example, if you particularly want to observe how Openspace is behaving, you might want to add some audit-level messages to the default list. Follow these steps:


  1. Find the CONFIG_HOME\bpm\bpm_app_name\configuration\ec-probe-rules.xml file.
  2. Back the file up to a safe location.
  3. Open the file in an editor and locate the section from <messageIds to </messageIds.
  4. Add the following lines to that section:
  5. Save and close the file. The changes take effect as soon as the file is next monitored for changes.