Work Item List Event Payload

This topic describes the event payload for the work item list.

Data in the PageBus event:

topic: "listItemSelect"
message: schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.workviews"
         schemaVersion = "2"
         items = [
                     "name": Name of the work item list.
                     "type": Type of work itme list: "INBOX", "MYWORK" or
                     "description": Description of the work item list.
                     "baseFilter": Filter always imposed on the list; this filter 
                              is not visible to the user.
                     "visibility": Whether "visible", "hidden", or "visible and
                              hidden" work items are displayed: "VISIBILEITEMS",                               "HIDDENITEMS", or "VISIBLEHIDDENITEMS", 
                     "pageSize": Number of work items to display per page.
                     "entityType": (Only appears for Supervised work views) The
                              type of entity being supervised: "RESOURCE", "GROUP",
                              "ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT", or "POSITION".
                     "guid": (Only appears for Supervised work views.) The GUID
                              representing the entity being supervised.
                     "modelVersion": (Only appears for Supervised work views.) The
                              model version used to select the entity being
                     "sort": Sort order specified for work item list.
                     "column": Columns to display in work item list.
                     "refinementFilter": Filter imposed on the list that the user
                               can see in the Filter dialog.
                     "userAccess": Specifies access to functions on the list.
                     "options": Specifies work item list options to impose on list.


topic: "listItemSelect"
message: schemaId = "com.tibco.wcc.schema.workviews"
         schemaVersion = "2"
         items = [
                     "name": "Urgent",
                     "type": "MYWORK",
                     "description": "Past Due Claims",
                     "baseFilter": "state = ALLOCATED",
                     "visibility": "VISIBLEHIDDENITEMS",
                     "pageSize": "30",
                     "sort": "<sort authority=\"DEFAULT\"><attribute name=
                         \"startDate\" ascending=\"true\"/></sort>",
                     "column": "<columns authority=\"DEFAULT\"><column
                         name=\"StateImage\"/><column name=\"AppName\"/><column
                         name=\"Name\"/><column name=\"Description\"/><column
                         name=\"State\"/><column name=\"AppInstanceDescription\"/>
                         <column name=\"AppInstance\"/><column name=\"Priority\"/>
                         <column name=\"StartDate\"/><column name=
                         \"DeadlineImage\"/><column name=\"EndDate\"/><column
                         name=\"ID\"/><column name=\"Visible\"/></columns>",
                     "refinementFilter": ""<filterCdf authority=\"DEFAULT\"><data
                         jsxid=\"jsxroot\"><record jsxid=\"jsx_1296501534843\"
                         jsximg=\"\" allowDrop=\"insertBefore\" allowDrag=\"yes\"
                         Type=\"COL_NUMERIC\" jsxtype=\"Numeric\" apType=
                         \"COL_NUMERIC\" id=\"4\" description=\"The integer value
                         that denotes the priority of the work item.\" jsxtext=
                         \"Priority  =  50\" Label=\"Priority\" Operator=\"Equal\"
                         Value=\"50\" field=\"priority\" jsxselected=
                     "userAccess": "<access><access name=\"Open\"/><access name=
                         \"Cancel\"/><access name=\"Skip\"/><access name=
                         \"Pend\"/><access name=\"AllocateToSelf\"/><access name=
                         \"Reoffer\"/><access name=\"AllocateToAnother\"><access
                         name=\"CanAllocateFromOfferSet\"/><access name=
                         \"CanAllocateFromOrganization\"/><access name=
                         \"ShowResourcePreview\"/></access><access name=
                         \"EventViewer\"/><access name=\"Filter\"/><access name=
                         \"Sort\"/><access name=\"AutoRefresh\"/><access name=
                     "options": "<options><option name=\"showMillis\" value=