
This custom interface sample supports the use case of one scripted custom interface changing the attributes of another simple Iframe custom interface. Specifically, the sample extracts an attribute value from the selected item on the work item or events list, then uses that value for the subject of a tibbr search by a custom interface in the master selection area.

The source URL for the simpleIframe custom interface in the master selection area is initially set to "https://tibco.tibbr.com". Scripted custom interfaces on the work item and events lists use helper methods to extract attribute values, for the selected item in the list, and constructs a tibbr.com search URL. The source of the simpleIframe is then set to this search URL and reloaded.

The elements, attributes, and methods needed to implement this sample are provided in the readme.txt file in the following directory:


You can modify the provided elements and attribute values to fit your particular requirements.