Localizing Work Item Attribute Display Names

Work item attribute display names are stored in the TibcoColumnMessages.properties file. You can change display names by editing that file.

If you want to change the work item attribute display names for Openspace’s default language (American English or British English, depending on the default language of your browser), do the following:


  1. In a text editor, open the TibcoColumnMessages.properties file in the following location: \\config_directory\tibco\datan\tibcohost\Admin-environmentname-adminservername\host\plugins\com.tibco.openspace.login_n\resources\locale where:
    • config_directory is the Configuration directory that stores the BPM configuration files that you specified when you installed the BPM runtime software.
    • datan where n is the version number of your TIBCO Administrator server.
    • environmentname is the name of your BPM environment.
    • adminservername is the name of your TIBCO Administrator server.
    • n is the current version number of the Openspace application files.
  2. Depending on your requirements, modify attributes 1-40. For example, attribute1=Customer Name.
  3. Save the file.
    If you reinstall Openspace, the changes you have made will be lost, so either, amend the tibcoColumnMessages.properties file again or keep a back up copy of the file with your changes.