Cross-Resource References

The Business Studio workspace acts as a container for resources such as projects, folders, and files, each of which corresponds to a directory or file in the operating system’s underlying file system.

Workspace files can contain models (such as forms or business object models), which are comprised of model elements (such as panes and controls or classes and properties).

A form can refer to model elements in other resources in the Business Studio workspace, for example:

  • A user task or its parameters
  • A business object model class or its properties
  • An embedded form or its parameters

These references are often many-to-many, with one form referencing many external model elements and resources, each of which could potentially be referenced from multiple forms, business object models, processes and so on. These external references are known as cross-resource references.

Since the referenced model elements reside in independently modifiable files such references are susceptible to breakage if proper working procedures are not observed. When Business Studio detects breakages, it creates unresolved reference problem markers on the referencing forms.

For more information, see Breakage Mechanisms and Quick Fixes.