SOAP API - event

The table summarizes the SOAP API - event.

Request Uses the eventRequest element (from the EventCollectorAuditService schema).
Parameter notes
  • correlationId: enter a correlation ID value if this is part of a series of correlated events. All correlated events, that is those with the same correlation ID, will be audited together. See Correlated Events for details.

    If no correlation ID is required, this value must be blank.

  • eventTimestamp: the timestamp of this instance of the event.
  • id (optional): the primary key of the event to be audited. You could obtain this from a call to the database using executeGenericQuery .
  • message, messageId: identify the message (and thus the event) to be audited. See the "List of Auditable Messages" appendix in TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM - BPM Administration for a list of available messages and their IDs.

    Both these parameters must be present and must have a value greater than zero.

  • priority: specify one of LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH.
  • severity: specify one of DEBUG, SERVICE, INFO, AUDIT, WARN, or TRACE (for ERROR, use the errorEvent operation).
  • attribute (optional): each attribute entry identifies an attribute that you wish to record for this event. Each entry must specify the attributeId and the value, and optionally the attributeName. You can use getAllAttributes to list the possible attributes, and include those which are applicable to the event you are auditing.

    All attributes used in this operation must already have been registered, using registerAttributes .

Response There is no response.

If it is necessary to confirm whether or not the operation was successful, you can query the database tables. See the TIBCO ActiveMatrix® BPM Event Collector Schema Reference for information on the database tables.

Example Request:
            <correlationId> </correlationId>
            <message>Deployed Channel</message>