Finding a Work Item

A Find function is provided to help you locate a work item in the work item list.

Note that this function searches through the entire work item list, not just the currently displayed page. However, if there is a filter currently applied to the list, it only searches through the work items that satisfy the filter.


  1. Click the button on the work item list toolbar, or select Find Work Items from the Tools menu.
    The following fields are displayed in the work item list toolbar.

  2. From the drop-down list in the first field, choose an attribute that you want to search on. For example, to find a work item that has a certain description, choose “Description”.
  3. From the drop-down list in the second field, choose the operator that is appropriate for your search.
  4. In the last field, enter the value you want to search for.

    You can use the * character as a wildcard. For example, the following finds all work items whose description begins with “C”:

    If you select a date attribute to search on, a calendar icon is displayed from which you can select a date, plus fields are displayed to the right of the calendar icon in which you can enter a time.

  5. Click the button (which is activated when you enter a value to search on) to display the find results.

    The Find fields can be closed by either clicking the X to the left of the fields, or by clicking the button again.