Call Sub-Process Example

The following example demonstrates how a top-level process could use sub-processes in an insurance environment.

Each of the activities in the process calls sub-processes that are executed in the runtime environment. For example, the sub-process called from the Claims Management activity could look like this:

Note the following about this sub-process:

  • The Validate Policy sub-process can be re-used. For example, when a customer calls to renew their policy, the first step of the Renewal Process could be to confirm that they have an existing policy. The Validate Policy Activity could be re-used for this purpose in the Renewal process.
  • The Process Claimant activity has a Loop Activity Marker, that indicates that the activity is repeated for each Claimant.
  • The actual sub-process called by the Assess Liability activity is a manual Process. However, the to be sub-process (planned for the future), could be implemented as an automatic process that consists of a series of questions used to determine liability. Simulation could be used to demonstrate the performance and cost-savings of migrating the Assess Liability activity to an automatic process.