BPM Filtering and Sorting of Work Lists and Audit Entries

When installed the BPM database is created to provide a system balanced for both execution and query/filter performance; however some installations that make heavy use of filtering in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM may benefit from either tuning of existing database indexes or the creation of new indexes. Examining database reports from representative loads indicates whether new indexes are required, or updates to existing ones.

Work Item Ordering and Filtering

Work items can be filtered and ordered on any number of columns that are present on the brm_work_items table. On a standard installation only the most commonly queried database columns on this table are indexed. If Work List ordering and filtering is being applied to columns that aren't indexed, for example listing all work items that have attribute19 greater than a specified date, then both filter and overall system performance may benefit if the database administrator adds an index to the attribute19 column.

Audit Trail Querying

The ec_event indexes are configured at install time to benefit queries used by built-in functionality, such as the Graphical Audit Trail. Custom queries carried out either via Event Viewer or custom applications may require additional indexes to perform optimally. It is also important to consider the contents of the ec_event view, as different uses of AMXBPM can result in different types of data being more, or less prevalent in the ec_event view, for this reason it is important to look at both the query and the index being used to obtain the required data.