Administrator Server Configuration: Edit HTTP Connection Settings

Note: This screen is only displayed if you selected Edit HTTP Connection Settings on the Edit ActiveMatrix Administrator Server Configuration screen.

The default value for each field shows the current configuration setting.

Field Description
Network Adapter The address of the network adapter on the machine on which the ActiveMatrix Administrator server runs. The default is set to so that ActiveMatrix Administrator will listen on all network adapters (including http://localhost and http://hostname) so that clients can connect to the ActiveMatrix Administrator server using any of the conventions (localhost, IP address, hostname). The value of this property must either be a hostname resolvable through DNS or; it cannot be an IP address.
External HTTP Port The number of the external ActiveMatrix Administrator HTTP port.
Enable SSL for External HTTP Port Indicate whether communication between ActiveMatrix Administrator server and clients should be secured with SSL. When selected, the Self-Signed Certificate and Imported Certificate radio buttons display.
Self-Signed Certificate Indicate that ActiveMatrix Administrator server will identify itself to clients with a self-signed certificate generated by TIBCO Credential Server (see Administrator Server Configuration: Credential Server Details). This option is selected by default.

A self-signed certificate should not be employed in production environments.

Imported Certificate Indicate that ActiveMatrix Administrator server will identify itself to clients with a certificate imported into ActiveMatrix Administrator server. When selected, the Keystore fields and Fetch Keystore button are enabled.
Keystore Location The location of the keystore to import.
Keystore Type The type of the uploaded keystore.

Default: Autodetect (The actual keystore type is displayed when you click Fetch Keystore.)

Keystore Password The password that protects the keystore.
Fetch Keystore Retrieves the aliases from the specified keystore. The Key Alias field, Key Password field and Verify Keystore button are displayed.
Key Alias The key alias that identifies the ActiveMatrix Administrator server entry in the keystore.
Key Password The password that protects the specified Key Alias.
Verify Keystore Verifies that TIBCO Configuration Tool can retrieve the specified keystore alias using the information supplied on this page.