Creating Extended Attributes

Extended attributes can be used to add extra information to the schema.

Extended attributes are as follows:

  • XML
     For example, an XSD file used by a web service.
  • Plain text
     For example, Supply Chain Management (SCM) metrics and best practices.
    Note: You can also add extended attributes when creating a new Process or Process Interface as described in Creating a Business Process .


  1. Click the Extended tab.
    Note: This tab is only available on the Properties view for objects that support extended attributes.
  2. Click Add to add a new extended attribute.
  3. Modify the following:
    • Name
       Provide a Name for the attribute (you cannot include spaces in the name).
    • Value
       Add any text for the Value.
    • Escape Body
       Select this check box if you want the parser to interpret the contents of the body attribute as text rather than XML (you do not want the parser to interpret symbols such as < or >). If you are entering XML, do not select this checkbox so the parser can validate the body attribute.
    • Body
       Enter whatever text or XML you want to make up the body of the attribute.
  4. Save the package that contains the process.