REST API - getOrgModel

The table summarizes the REST API - getOrgModel.


GET <baseurl>/orgmodel/model/<version>
Path parameters version: The major version of the organization model for which details are to be displayed. Can be obtained using listOrgModelVersions .
Query parameters
  • includeresourcecount=boolean (optional): Whether the number of resource assignments should be included for entities such as groups and positions. Default = false.
  • includecalendarrefs=boolean (optional):Whether calendar references should be included for those entities that hold them. Default = false.
  • includecandidatequeries=boolean (optional):Whether candidate query configurations should be included for those positions and groups on which they have been defined. Default = false.
  • includecextpoints=boolean (optional): Whether organization extension point configurations should be included. Default = false.
  • includecategories=boolean (optional): If set to true, capabilities and privileges are grouped in the nested categories in which they were deployed; if false (default), capabilities and privileges are listed in a flat list.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the getOrgModelResponse element.
XML Returns the content of the getOrgModelResponse element (from the OrgModelService schema).


GET <baseurl>/orgmodel/model/1?includecategories=true
  "xml-fragment": {
    "-model-version": "1",
    "capability-category": {
      "-guid": "_nytFsO44EeSfeZXXCMB77x",
      "-label": "finance",
      "-name": "finance",
      "capability": [
          "-guid": "_nytFsO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
          "-label": "purchase",
          "-name": "purchase"
          "-guid": "_oML8sO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
          "-label": "sales",
          "-name": "sales"
    "privilege-category": {
      "-guid": "_nytFsO44EeSfeZXXCMB77z",
      "-label": "org-model",
      "-name": "orgmodel",
      "privilege": [
          "-guid": "_pdqysO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
          "-label": "browse",
          "-name": "browse"
          "-guid": "_p-PJIO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
          "-label": "user-admin",
          "-name": "useradmin"
    "organization": {
      "-guid": "_WqkgEe44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
      "-name": "Organization1",
      "-label": "Organization1",
      "allocation-method": { "-method": "NEXT" },
      "org-unit": [
          "-guid": "_9AzbIO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
          "-name": "finance",
          "-label": "finance",
          "allocation-method": { "-method": "NEXT" },
          "position": {
            "-guid": "_95GVEO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
            "-name": "accountant",
            "-label": "accountant",
            "-ideal-number": "1",
            "allocation-method": { "-method": "ANY" }
          "-guid": "_9aIhIO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
          "-name": "customersupport",
          "-label": "customer-support",
          "allocation-method": { "-method": "NEXT" },
          "position": {
            "-guid": "_-Xs8oO44EeSfeZXXCMB77w",
            "-name": "lossadjuster",
            "-label": "loss-adjuster",
            "-ideal-number": "1",
            "allocation-method": { "-method": "ANY" }