
Gets the work item list for an organization model entity.

Required System Actions



BPMWorklistService.getWorklistItems(entityType,entityGuid,start,count, worklistServiceModel,callback)


Parameter Type Description
entityType String One of these enumerated values, defining the type of organization model entity for which data should be returned.
entityGuid String GUID of the organization model entity for which data should be returned.
start Number Position in the work item list (zero-based) from which to start the results list.
count Number Number of work items to include in the results list.
worklistServiceModel WorklistServiceModel object Data model to be used by the service request. The response populates worklistServiceModeltemplateData.workItems with the contents of the work list for the specified entityGuid.
Note: worklistServiceModel.templateData.workItems is an array of type GetWorkListItemsResponseType.
callback Function Callback function to handle success or failure results from the request.