Queries for findDocuments

The query syntax that is allowed for use with the findDocuments operation depends on the CMS you are using.

Also note that the specific queries allowed may need to be configured on your CMS before they can be used in the DocumentService operations. Check your vendor-specific CMS documentation concerning configuring query options.

The following lists the typical query constructs that can be used to find documents in a CMS.

CMIS Properties

The CMIS properties that can be queried are:
  • cmis:name
  • cmis:creationDate
  • cmis:createdBy
  • cmis:lastModifiedBy
  • cmis:lastModificationDate

Note that some CMS repositories may allow additional properties to be queried.

Unsupported Constructs

The following are CMIS query constructs that are not currently supported:
  • Join
  • orderBy

Wildcard Characters

The specific wildcard characters that can be used in queries depends on the predicate you are using, as well as the CMS being used. Consult the documentation for your CMS. The following are common wildcard characters (depending predicate and CMS):

  • % - Matches any numbers of characters.
  • * - Matches any numbers of characters.
  • _ - Matches a single character.
  • ? - Matches a single character.


The following shows example queries. Consult the documentation for your CMS for specific allowable constructs.
  • cmis:name LIKE 'P%'
  • cmis:name LIKE 'errors_.jpg'
  • cmis:name LIKE '%readme%'
  • cmis:createdBy LIKE 'admin'
  • cmis:createdBy NOT LIKE 'susieq'
  • cmis:lastModifiedBy LIKE 'admin'
  • cmis:creationDate = '2014-10-06T00:00:00'
  • cmis:creationDate < '2014-10-06T00:00:00'
  • cmis:name LIKE 'P%' AND cmis:creationDate < '2014-10-06T00:00:00'
  • (cmis:name LIKE 'P%' OR cmis:name LIKE 'D%') AND cmis:createdBy LIKE 'admin'