Process Templates Filters

Filtering a list of process templates involves entering filter criteria so that only some of the process templates are shown in Process Views, rather than all of them. This allows you to display only the process templates you are interested in. For example, you may only be interested in process templates with a version number later than 2.0. You can filter the list so that only those are shown.

You can only configure a filter for process templates.

The Configure Filter dialog allows you to build a “filter expression” that is applied to all process templates. If the process template satisfies the filter expression (for example, the process template has a version number of 2.5), it is shown in the process template list; if it does not satisfy the filter expression, it is not shown in the list (and is not downloaded from the server).

The left hand side of the Configure Filter dialog displays the column indicators you can filter on. Each column indicator has a drop-down list that allows you to select a logical operator. Logical operators allow you to choose how the specified value is to be compared to the actual values in the column. You can specify equal to, not equal to, less than, and so on.

For each column indicator there is a value field where you can enter the value for the items you want returned. The way in which you enter a value depends on the data type for the column indicator you have selected. See Process Template Filter Criteria and Value Data Types.