REST API - setCalendarReferences - Assign Calendar Reference

The table summarizes the REST API - setCalendarReferences.


PUT <baseurl>/orgmodel/calendarrefs/<entityguid>/<version>/<calendaralias>
Path parameters
  • entityguid: The GUID of the organization model entity to which the calendar reference is to be assigned. Can be obtained using getOrgModel .
  • version: The major version of the organization model in which the entity resides. Can be obtained using listOrgModelVersions .
  • calendaralias: The calendar reference to be assigned. Omitting this parameter, or passing an empty string, removes all calendar references from the specified entity.


JSON If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and an empty response body.
XML If successful, returns 200 OK in the response header, and an empty response body.


PUT <baseurl>/orgmodel/calendarrefs/_jGi_kcxxEd-nOYM9N6WPrw/1/standard