SOAP API - listAuthorisedOrgs

The table summarizes the SOAP API - listAuthorisedOrgs.

Request Uses the listAuthorisedOrgs element (from the SecurityService schema)
Parameter notes component / name: The application component to which the system action belongs, as well as the name of the system action. The component must be passed as all uppercase. For a list of the available components and system actions, see System Actions.
Response Returns a listAuthorisedOrgsResponse element (from the SecurityService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sec="">
      <sec:listAuthorisedOrgs component="BRM" name="pendWorkItem"/>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <listAuthorisedOrgsResponse all-organizations="true" xmlns="">
         <guid xmlns="">_5fLygDBSEd-x4cVy01Xlww</guid>
         <guid xmlns="">_iPYXscpPEd64gM7QE8RwxA</guid>
         <guid xmlns="">_tf5fgSe3EeCoD7MklYZAuw</guid>
         <guid xmlns="">_jGi_kcxxEd-nOYM9N6WPrw</guid>
         <guid xmlns="">_-SS8MDBSEd-x4cVy01Xlww</guid>