REST API - calcDeadline

The table summarizes the REST API - calcDeadline.


Note that when the holder of the calendar is a dynamically generated organization entity, the GUID in the request is that of the Dynamic Org-Template entity from which the dynamic entity was generated, and the request must include name/value pairs in dynamic-id-attr in order to identify the particular dynamically generated organization entity. The names of these additional attributes are defined on the Dynamic Organization Template, at design time (Dynamic Organization Identifiers); and the values must match those for a particular generated instance. Although the values are optional, if no value is given it will only match against a dynamic organizational entity with a null value for the same attribute.

POST <baseurl>/deadline
Body calcDeadline element (required).


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of a calcDeadlineResponse element.
XML Returns the content of a calcDeadlineResponse element (from the BusinessDeadlineService schema).


POST <baseurl>/deadline
Request body
  "calcDeadline": {
    "@start-date-time": "2017-10-31T10:30:00",
    "@duration": "P2D",
    "calendar-lookup": {
      "org-model-entity": {
        "@model-version": "1",
        "@entity-type": "MODEL_POSITION",
        "@guid": "__a7z4OoLEeaHwJBHuGSOmw",
        "dynamic-id-attr": [ { "@name": "city", "@value": "London" } ]
  "calcDeadline": { "@end-date-time": "2017-10-31T10:30:00" }