Data Types

Schema Type attributes and qualifying information for Capabilities and Privileges can have data types.

The following elements of an Organization Model can have data types:

The table describes the data types that these elements can have.

Type Description
Text Any combination of alphanumeric characters.
Integer A whole number, including zero and negative numbers.
Boolean A value of True or False, or blank.
Decimal Any number, positive or negative, up to the number of decimals you specify.
DateTime A date and time in the format of the locale on your machine.
Date Any date in the format of the locale on your machine.
Time Any time in the format of the locale on your machine.
EnumSet A data type that can contain a list of values. Selecting this type enables you to specify a set of enumerated values.
Enum An enumerated type. Selecting this type enables you to specify an enumerated value. Each Enum is one of the list of values that make up an EnumSet.
Set Allows arrays of arbitrary, unique, string values.