Deleting Tabs

Tabs are deleted in the order they are added. This means you can only delete the last tab that you added.

You must remove all gadgets from the tab you want to delete.
Note: Openspace does not allow you to delete all tabs. You must keep a minimum of one tab.


  1. Select the last tab that you added.
  2. Click the tab name to display the User Preferences area.
  3. Remove all gadgets from the tab, see Common Openspace Gadget Functions.
    Note: If you have not saved your data before removing a gadget then any unsaved data will be lost. Therefore, TIBCO recommends that you remove all gadgets from a tab before trying to delete it.
  4. From the User Preferences area, click Delete.
    If you have not removed all the gadgets from your tab, the following message is displayed:
    The error message is "The tab cannot be deleted if it contains active gadgets. Shall I remove the (n) gadgets from this page?" where n is the number of active gadgets on the page
  5. Click OK to allow Openspace to remove the gadgets from the tab, or Cancel to remove the gadgets yourself.
  6. If you click OK, Openspace displays a Remove this gadget? dialog for each gadget added to the tab.
  7. Click OK to each of these dialogs.
    Finally, Openspace prompts you to delete the tab.
  8. Click OK again to delete the tab.