Performing Case Actions

You can select a case in the Case Management gadget and perform any case actions that have been defined for the case.

A case action is an action that can be performed on a case when it is in a particular state. Case actions are designed within the context of the business process itself. For example, a claim may have the following states defined; Reported, Review, Submitted and Completed. Once a claim is Reported it may need to be reviewed by a Claims Adjuster. Once you have selected your case in the Case Management gadget, you can select Review from Case Actions and progress the claim to the next task in your business process. Case states are a special type of attribute that can be defined for a case class. Case actions are a type of business service defined for a case class. Case states and actions are defined when creating your case data model in TIBCO Business Studio. See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Case Data User's Guide for more information.


  1. From the Case Management gadget, perform a search to retrieve a list of cases. See Performing an Ad-hoc Search or Performing an Advanced Search.
    Note: You cannot select multiple cases. You can only perform a case action on one case at a time.
  2. Select a case.
    If required, use the Search facility to identify your case. See Searching Cases.
  3. Select Case Actions.
    Any case actions that are available for the selected case display.
    Note: What case actions you see, if any, are entirely dependent on what state the case is in, and what permissions have been set.
  4. Select the case action you want to perform.
    Depending on how your process template is defined, either
    • The action defined by the case action is performed.
    • A form displays. The content of the form depends on how your process template has been defined. Select Submit to submit the form and perform the action on the case, or select Cancel or Close to close the form without performing any action.