Assign Activity Duration

As part of simulating the execution of a Process, specify the duration of each Activity in the Process. For example, the duration of support telephone calls might be normally distributed with an average of five ± two minutes.


  1. In the Process Editor, select the Activity.
  2. In the Properties view, click the Simulation tab.
  3. Choose a Duration Distribution, typically one of the following:
    • Constant - choose this distribution for Activities that never vary in duration. For example, a questionnaire might be designed such that it always takes 10 minutes to complete (or rather the variation is so small that it can be considered constant).
    • Normal - choose this distribution for Activities which follow a bell curve (you specify the Mean and Standard Deviation). For example, phone calls in a call center might follow a standard distribution (68% of all phone calls are 4-6 minutes in duration).
  4. Choose a Time Unit:
    • Month
    • Day
    • Hour
    • Minute
    • Second
  5. Enter the Value for the duration.