ActiveMatrix BPM: Configuration

Field/Button Description
AMX-BPM Application Name The name by which to identify this particular ActiveMatrix BPM application instance (that is, this particular BPM system).

Each BPM system in the same ActiveMatrix environment must have a unique application name.

Default: entry:

HTTP Work Presentation Host Name used to externally identify the machine that hosts this BPM system.

This name is used when Work Manager distributes work using the push distribution model. When a user receives an email notification of a work item, the specified name is embedded in the URL in the email body that the user clicks to access the work item. (See "Work Management > Distributing Work to Users" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Concepts for more information.)

This name must be specified using a fully qualified domain name or IP address that is accessible to external clients. For example, this may be the name of the machine itself or of a proxy server.

Note: If this BPM system is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability), this should be the name of the load balancer. See Load Balancer.

Default: localhost entry:

HTTP Port HTTP port number used by this BPM node for communication with external clients (Openspace, Workspace and custom client applications).

This port must not be in use by any other ActiveMatrix node on the same machine.

Note: If this BPM system is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability), this port should be configured for load balancing across all required machines - see Load Balancer.

Default: 8080 entry: bpm.http.port

SOAP Binding Version Version of the SOAP specification that will be applied to all SOAP bindings:
  • on services exposed by this instance of the ActiveMatrix BPM application.
  • on services and references exposed by process applications deployed to this BPM system.

SOAP versions 1.1 and 1.2 are supported.

Default: 1.1 entry: bpm.soap.version

SMTP Host Name of the machine that hosts the SMTP server that is used by this BPM system to send pushed email work notifications and to execute email service tasks.

If the machine is not the one on which TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM is running, its name must be specified using a fully qualified domain name or IP address.

Default: localhost entry:

SMTP Port Port number on which the SMTP server is running.

Default: 25 entry: bpm.smtp.port

Override BPM Configuration Folder Whether to override the default location of the BPM configuration folder. Select this option if this BPM system is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability).

If selected, the Configuration Folder field is displayed.

Default: Cleared entry: bpm.config.home.root.override

Configuration Folder This is a folder under CONFIG_HOME that stores configuration data generated by the BPM system.

If this BPM system is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability), this must be a location on a suitable shared network drive. For example, SHARED_DIR\bpm_config - see Shared File System.

Default: CONFIG_HOME\bpm entry: bpm.config.home.root

Enable SSL for HTTP Port Whether communication between ActiveMatrix BPM and clients (Workspace, Openspace or custom client applications) should be secured by SSL.
Note: If this option is enabled for a BPM system that is distributed across different machines (to provide high availability and/or scalability):
  • The keystore containing the certificate to be used when a client requests an SSL connection using the httpConnector (by default, install-server-store.jks) must be stored in SHARED_DIR\keystores - see Shared File System.
  • In TIBCO Administrator, the Keystore Provider resource template (by default, KeystoreCspRT) must be configured to reference the keystore on the shared network drive.

See "Enabling SSL Communication with TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Runtime Clients" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM - BPM Administration for more information.

Default: Follows the value selected for Configure to Secure All Communication with SSL. entries:

  • bpm.client.enablessl
SSL Configuration fields (only visible if Enable SSL for HTTP Port is selected)
Self-signed Certificate Indicates that this BPM system will identify itself to clients with a self-signed certificate generated by the TIBCO Credential Server (see Administrator Server Configuration: Credential Server Details).
Note: Do not use a self-signed certificate in a production environment.

Default: Selected entry: bpm.client.autogeneratekeystore=true

Imported Certificate Indicates that this BPM system will identify itself to clients with a certificate that should be imported into ActiveMatrix Administrator.

When selected, the Keystore fields are enabled.

Default: Cleared entry: bpm.client.autogeneratekeystore=false

Keystore Location The location of the keystore to import. entry: bpm.client.keystorelocation

Keystore Type The type of the keystore.

Default: JKS entry: bpm.client.keystoretype

Keystore Password The password required to access the keystore. entry: bpm.client.keystorepassword

Key Alias The key alias that identifies the entry in the keystore for this BPM system. entry: bpm.client.keyalias

Key Password The password required to access the key alias. entry: bpm.client.keypassword

Verify Keystore Verifies that TIBCO Configuration Tool can connect to the keystore and retrieve the alias using the information supplied on this page.