REST API - read

REST API - read reads multiple case data objects but is limited by maximum path length.


GET <baseurl>/globaldata/read?<caseReference>
Query parameters
  • caseref=string: The reference to the case object. You can obtain this by using findAllCases.
  • casemetadata=boolean (optional, default=false): Indicates whether to return case metadata.


JSON Note - ActiveMatrix BPM does not support case data being returned in JSON format for this operation. If an Accept header of application/json is specified, case data is not returned in the response. Therefore, for this operation, you should specify the response be in XML format (application/xml).
XML Returns the contents of a CaseDataArrayType element (from the BusinessDataServices schema).


GET <baseurl>/globaldata/read?caseref=BDS-1-com.example.hastings.Order-3-0&caseref=BDS-1-com.example.hastings.Order-7-0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <hastings:OrderElement xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:hastings="" xsi:type="hastings:Order">
              <lineItems xsi:type="hastings:LineItem">
                <vendor xsi:type="hastings:Vendor">
                  <name>Morgan Interprises</name>
                  <address xsi:type="hastings:Address">
                    <street>1200 24th Ave.</street>
          <![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
          <hastings:OrderElement xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:hastings="" xsi:type="hastings:Order">
              <lineItems xsi:type="hastings:LineItem">
                <vendor xsi:type="hastings:Vendor">
                  <name>Vic's Glass</name>
                  <address xsi:type="hastings:Address">
                    <street>899 Main St.</street>