SOAP API - previewWorkItemFromList

The table summarizes the SOAP API - previewWorkItemFromList.

Request Uses the previewWorkItemFromList element (from the WorkListService schema)
Parameter notes
  • entityID: the GUID of the organizational entity which is requesting the work list. If the entity is not in the list of resources for which the work item is offered, the resource will not be able to preview the work item.
  • workItemID: the IDs of one or more work items to be previewed. All work items must be from the work list of the same organizational entity.
  • requiredField: A fieldname to be included in the returned data. This filters the set of fields for which preview data is to be returned:
    • If any fieldnames are specified, only those fields will be returned for each work item.
    • If the requiredField parameter is omitted, all fields will be returned for each work item. (Note that if requiredField is included without a value, it will be interpreted as a request for a field with a blank name, and nothing will be returned.)
Response Returns a previewWorkItemFromListResponse element (from the WorkListService schema).
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">
         <entityID model-version="-1" entity-type="RESOURCE" guid="2D6430DC-9A65-4F21-A3BE-798AA192E468">
         <workItemID id="19"/>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <previewWorkItemFromListResponse xmlns="">
         <workItemPreview id="19" version="3" xmlns="">
            <FieldPreview array="false" name="UserName" type="String">
                  <value>Loki Aesir</value>