SOAP API - getWorkItemAudit

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getWorkItemAudit.

Request Uses the getWorkItemAuditRequest element (from the EventCollectorReportService schema).
Parameter notes
  • workItemId: identifies the work item ID whose events you want to audit. Can be obtained from getWorkListItems.
  • getTotalCount: (Optional): whether to include a count of the total number of events in the list. This defaults to true. The count is returned in the totalItems value in the response.
    • You should set getTotalCount to false unless you specifically need the total figure, because setting it to true is expensive in terms of database access time.
    • Note that if you pass false in this attribute, and there is at least one item in the list, the totalItems value returned in the response is -1. However, if you pass false and there are no work items in the list, the totalItems value in the response is 0 (zero).
    • If you pass true in this attribute but numberOfItems is set to zero, the totalItems value in the response is 0 regardless of how many items are actually in the list. The total count of items is only available when you are fetching one or more items.
  • numberOfItems (Optional, default=-1): the maximum number of events to return. Specifying -1 returns all events for the process instance.
  • populateAttributeNames (Optional): Specifies that attribute names be returned in the list of events.
  • startPosition (Optional, default=0): the position in the list from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
  • advancedOption (Optional): specify whether or not correlation is required.
  • requireAllAttributes (Optional, default=true): Whether all attributes should be returned.
  • requiredAttribute (Optional): Specific attributes that should be returned for each event found. .
  • sortOrder (Optional): Specifies the sort order of the attribute.
    • attribute. Specifies the attribute to sort.
    • type. Specifies the sort order, either ASC for ascending or DESC for descending.
  • Version (Optional): The version of the API you want to execute against.
  • fetchComments (Optional). Returns all comments for the work item.
  • detail Not supported.
Response Returns a getWorkItemAuditResponse element (from the EventCollectorReportService schema).
Example Request:
      <getWorkItemAuditResponse xmlns="">
         <WorkItemAudit xmlns="">
            <endPosition xmlns="">2</endPosition>
            <startPosition xmlns="">0</startPosition>
            <totalItems xmlns="">2</totalItems>
            <entry xmlns="">
               <message>New Work Item Schedule.</message>
            <workItemRef xmlns="" xmlns:api="" xmlns:base="" xmlns:soapenv="">