WORKITEM_STATS Option Attributes

A query that uses the WORKITEM_STATS option operates against the ec_wi_status Event Collector database table, which stores measures about work items.

The following table describes the attributes that you can include in a filter expression in a query that uses the WORKITEM_STATS option.

Attribute Description/Notes
actionDuration Total duration (in milliseconds) that this work item was being actioned - that is, the time between its firstOpenTime and its completionTime.
activeDuration Total duration (in milliseconds) that this work item was active - that is, the time between its firstOfferTime and its completionTime, disregarding any intermediate states.
activityInstanceId Instance identifier of the activity from which the work item was derived. This value is unique even if the activity is executed multiple times - for example, as part of a loop.
activityName Name of the activity from which the work item was derived.
attribute1 - attribute40 The 40 user-defined custom work item attribute fields associated with the work item. For a description of these attributes, see Using Work Item Attribute Fields. Also see Sort Filter Criteria for the data type of each attribute.
caseReference Unique reference to a case object created by ActiveMatrix BPM.
completionTime Completion time of this work item.
completingUserId Resource completing this work item.
completingUserGuid GUID of the resource completing this work item.
firstOfferTime First time that this work item was offered or allocated.
firstOpenTime First time that this work item was opened.
lastOpenTime Last time that this work item was opened.
processInstance Identifier of the parent process instance from which this work item was generated.
processTemplate Identifier (name) of the process template from which the parent process instance was generated.
processTemplateId The reference to the process template, module name, and module version, referenced in the ec_proc_template table.
pvmId The numeric ID of the process instance. This ID can be used to join against the process engine tables.
pvmTaskId The numeric version of the "pvm" ID that relates to the activity within the process.
ref Unique identifier of this work item.
rootProcessInstanceId The root of the process instance hierarchy. This points to an instance that has the parent as null.
scheduleEnd Scheduled end date/time (in UTC) for this work item.
scheduleStart Scheduled start date/time (in UTC) for this work item.
statusChanged Time that the status of this work item was last changed.
userGuid Guid of the resource associated with this work item.
userId Resource associated with this work item.
waitDuration Total duration (in milliseconds) that this work item was waiting - that is, the time between its firstOfferTime and its firstOpenTime.
wiStatus Status of this work item.
workingTimeDuration Total working time duration (in milliseconds) for this work item i.e. the cumulative time for between first and last (form submission) activities.