
This request returns a list of fields that can be used to sort or filter a work item list.





Returns an <ap:Field> element for each filterable and sortable field. The <ap:Field> element contains the following elements:

  • <ap:ID> - Identifies the field in this list. The ID starts at 1 and increases by 1 for each field in the list returned by the workItemFilterSortFields request.
  • <ap:Name> - The name of the field.
  • <ap:Description> - The description of the field.
  • <ap:Type> - Describes the type of data in the field: COL_STRING, COL_NUMERIC, COL_DATETIME, COL_BOOLEAN, COL_STATE, or COL_DISTSTRATEGY.
  • <ap:IsSortField> - true = field is sortable; false = field is not sortable.
  • <ap:IsFilterField> - true = field is filterable; false = field is not filterable.

For example:

   <ap:Fields Id="ApiSample.workItemFilterSortFields">
         <ap:Description>The integer value that denotes the ID of the work item.         </ap:Description>