Creating a Work List View

You can create a work list view for a variety of entities.

For example:

  • a specific organizational entity, of type organization unit, position, group or resource.
  • all users (that is, every existing organizational entity of type resource).
  • the user executing the createWorkListView call.

You must have the viewWorkList system action for the target entities of the work list. Similarly, if you want to grant another user access to a work list view for another entity in an organization model then that user must have the viewWorkList system action for the work list you require them to have access to.

Note that:

  • When creating a work view of another organization unit, group or position, only offered work items are displayed (unless the getAllocatedItems parameter is set to true, either on the work view itself or overridden when accessing the work view). These are work items that were offered to the selected organizational entity, and that still have a state of Offered. For resources, both Offered and Allocated are displayed.
  • When viewing a work view for an organizational entity, you will only be able to see work items that are offered directly to that entity. You cannot see the work items for other entities in that organizational entity. For example, if you have created a work view for Group1 and Group1A is also a member of Group1, you must create a separate work view for Group1A. (You must also have the viewWorkList system action for Group1A).
  • If a work view is for another organizational entity’s work list and not your own work list, then you cannot open or complete work items in that view. This is because TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM always requires a user to process work items in their own work list.
  • It could also be the case that you can view a work list but are not a member of the organization entity whose work list you are viewing. In this case, you cannot open work items in that view. For example, if you have the viewWorkList system action for a group called Group1, and you create a work view for Group1, you will be able to see the work items in Group1’s work list but you will not be able to open them.

If you want to create a work view for an organizational entity then you must specify the organizational model entityType whose work items you want to view.