Using a System Participant to Identify the Target Database

A system participant is a logical identifier for a connection to an external system - in this case, a database. A database service task must use a system participant that identifies the database that it is to connect to.

A system participant can be mapped to different databases as required:

  • At design-time, the system participant can (optionally) be mapped to a database connection profile, allowing you to introspect the design-time target database while you are defining your database call.
  • During deployment, the system participant must be mapped to a JDBC resource instance that defines the connection to the runtime target database. (See for more information.)

If you are using a database connection profile, TIBCO Business Studio can automatically create and configure the system participant for you when you configure the service task. See Configuring a Service Task to Call a Database.

Otherwise, you should perform the following tasks manually before you configure the service task.