Process Migration Operations

Operations are provided to control process migration.

These Process Services service operations are:

  • listMigrationRules - List the process instance migration rules that are set for one or more process templates.
  • isSetMigrationRule - Test whether any migration rules are set for a particular qualified task name.
  • getMigrationPoints - List the permissible process instance migration points for one or more process templates.
  • setMigrationRules - Set one or more process instance migration rules.
  • unsetMigrationRules - Unset one or more previously set process instance migration rules.
  • clearMigrationRules - Clear all process instance migration rules for one or more process templates.

Authorization of Process Migration Operations

A resource can only perform process migration if they have the necessary privileges to execute the handleProcessMigration system action. (The system-wide default value for this system action is Denied.)

Process Manager will validate the calling resource’s privileges (by itself using Directory Services) whenever a process migration service operation is called. If the calling resource does not have the necessary authorization to execute the handleProcessMigration system action, the call will fail with an appropriate error.

Note: You can use Directory Services API SecurityService operations (for example, IsActionAuthorized) to test whether a resource has the necessary authorization before calling a process migration service operation.

See System Actions for more information about how to specify the handleProcessMigration system action when using the SecurityService operations.