Primary, Second Primary, and Remote Machines
You perform ActiveMatrix BPM installation and configuration tasks on either a primary machine, second primary machine, or remote machine.
These terms have the following specific meanings in the context of ActiveMatrix BPM:
- Primary means the machine that hosts the ActiveMatrix Administrator server, whether or not that machine also hosts any BPM nodes.
- Second primary means the machine that hosts a replicated ActiveMatrix Administrator server, whether or not that machine also hosts any BPM nodes.
- Remote means any other machine that hosts a BPM node (of any type, but not an ActiveMatrix Administrator server.
Note: A basic BPM system consists only of a primary machine. See
Example ActiveMatrix BPM system using a basic configuration.
A distributed BPM system contains:
- a primary machine. See Example configuration for a single ActiveMatrix Administrator server.
- optionally, a second primary machine. See Example configuration for a replicated ActiveMatrix Administrator server.
- one or more remote machines. See Example configuration for a distributed ActiveMatrix BPM system.
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