Reverting to the Original Version of an Upgraded Application

If you encounter a problem during deployment or operation of the upgraded application, you may subsequently want to revert to the original version of the application (by force undeploying the new version from ActiveMatrix Administrator).

However, a WSDL validation error will occur when you try to do this if changes made to the WSDL, though valid for upgrade, are detected as a change to the service interface when attempting to downgrade. (ActiveMatrix Administrator does not distinguish at this level between upgrade and downgrade, so this problem can occur even though the version of the WSDL being downgraded may never have been used, and even though the version being downgraded to will be perfectly compatible with the version of the application that will be active.)

For example, if you add a new operation this is valid when upgrading - but when downgrading you will be removing that operation. This will be detected as a change to the service interface and so is not permitted.

If this happens, you can force ActiveMatrix Administrator to skip WSDL validation and so allow you to revert this application to the original version. See "Troubleshooting > Applications > Unable to revert to older version of an application" in TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM SOA Administration for more information about how to do this.