REST API - isSetMigrationRule

The table summarizes the REST API - isSetMigrationRule.


GET <baseurl>/process/isset/migrationrules/<module>/<process>/<version>/<task>
Path parameters
  • module: Name of the module to which the process template belongs.
  • process: Name of the process template to which the task belongs.
  • version: OSGi-style version number of the process template. (This version number is the same as that of the module.)

    The three previous parameters can be obtained from listProcessTemplates , queryProcessTemplates , and queryProcessTemplatesAlt .

  • task: Use the getMigrationPoints operation to get the valid process instance migration points (tasks) for the specified process template.


JSON If successful, returns 204 No Content in the response header, and either true or false in the response body, indicating whether or not migration rules are set.
XML If successful, returns 204 No Content in the response header, and either true or false in the response body, indicating whether or not migration rules are set.


GET <baseurl>/process/isset/migrationrules/%2FWelcomeUsersImplementSolution%2FProcess%20Packages%2FProcessPackage.xpdl/WelcomeUsers/