Executing the wccPassThruManagedHub Application

After performing the setup tasks described in Setting Up the wccPassThruManagedHub Application, and starting the web server, you can execute the sample application using the URLs described below.

There are four URLs used in this sample application. They are each described below.

simpleLogin URL


This URL opens the simpleLogin WCC application, which displays the Login component:

The postLogin function for the simpleLogin sample application has been modified to open another browser window that points to the IframeContainerTest.html file, as follows:

classProto.postLogin = function() {
   var extUrl =    'http://wccloginmanagedhubmainsource:9090/wccPassThruManagedHub/IframeContainerTest.html';
   var windowRef = window.open(extUrl, 'TestWindow');



IframeContainerTest URL


This URL, which is launched from the postLogin() function in the simpleLogin application, displays a new browser window that allows you to choose whether to load either a Process Instance Preview component (process instance list with a preview pane) or a Work Item Preview component (work item list with a preview pane) in an iframe:

The buttons are used to create the iFrameContainer, as follows:

  • Load Iframe: Process Instance Preview - This button creates a com.tibco.wcc.components.IframeContainer that is set up to load the simpleProcessInstancePreview WCC application.
  • Load Iframe: Work Item Preview - Clicking this button creates a com.tibco.wcc.components.IframeContainer that is set up to load the simpleWorkItemPreview WCC application.



This is the WCC application that is loaded into the IframeContainer when the Load Iframe: Process Instance Preview button is clicked. This application contains a Process Instances Preview component (which is a composite component containing the Process Instances component and the preview pane).

The postLoadInit function for this application creates an instance of the com.tibco.wcc.components.IframeClient:

classProto.postLoadInit = function(path) {
   this.iFrameClient = new

By creating the IframeClient instance, a subscription to the PageBus Managed Hub is set up for the externalLogin event. This results in the login being initialized for the application. This application contains a single Process Instances Preview component that has been configurated for an external event using the Events Editor in TIBCO General Interface Builder. IframeContainerTest.html publishes an event with the configured event payload.





This is the WCC application that is loaded into the IframeContainer when the Load Iframe: Work Item Preview button is clicked. This application contains a Work Items Preview component (which is a composite component containing the Work Items component and the preview pane).

The postLoadInit function for this application creates an instance of the com.tibco.wcc.components.IframeClient:

classProto.postLoadInit = function(path) {
   this.iFrameClient = new

By creating the IframeClient instance, a subscription to the PageBus Managed Hub is set up for the externalLogin event. This results in the login being initialized for the application. This application contains a single Work Items Preview component that has been configurated for an external event using the Events Editor in TIBCO General Interface Builder. IframeContainerTest.html publishes an event with the configured event payload.

