SOAP API - updateWorkingDays

The table summarizes the SOAP API - updateWorkingDays.

Request Uses the updateWorkingDays element (from the CalendarService schema)
Parameter notes
  • guid: the GUID of the calendar for which the working day information is being specified. The only supported value is SYSTEM.
  • day-of-week: Up to seven entries. Each is the name of one day of the week in abbreviated form: MO, TU, WE, TH, FR, SA, SU.
  • time slot start and end: Up to five entries, giving the start and end times of a working period within the specified day. Morning and afternoon separated by a meal break, for example, would be two time slots. Specify times as hh:mm:ss. All times are taken as UTC.
Response Returns an updateWorkingDaysResponse element (from the CalendarService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cal="">
      <cal:updateWorkingDays guid="SYSTEM">
         <!--0 to 7 repetitions:-->
         <working-day day-of-week="MO">
            <!--0 to 5 repetitions:-->
            <time-slot start="09:00:00" end="13:00:00"/>
            <time-slot start="14:00:00" end="17:30:00"/>
         <working-day day-of-week="TU">
            <time-slot start="09:00:00" end="13:00:00"/>
            <time-slot start="14:00:00" end="17:30:00"/>
         <working-day day-of-week="WE">
            <time-slot start="09:00:00" end="13:00:00"/>
            <time-slot start="14:00:00" end="17:30:00"/>
         <working-day day-of-week="TH">
            <time-slot start="09:00:00" end="13:00:00"/>
            <time-slot start="14:00:00" end="17:30:00"/>
         <working-day day-of-week="FR">
            <time-slot start="09:00:00" end="13:00:00"/>
         <working-day day-of-week="SA">
            <time-slot start="09:00:00" end="13:00:00"/>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
      <updateWorkingDaysResponse xmlns="">OK</updateWorkingDaysResponse>