Palette Summary

The following table summarizes the BPMN events that are available to you on the palette in TIBCO Business Studio:

Summary of Event Types
Event Type Start Intermediate

catch  throw

End Description
None   No specific trigger for the event (for example to start the process as a sub-process).
Message Message to do one of the following: start the process, wait to resume the process, resume the process, signify the end of the process.
Timer     Event is triggered at a specific date/date or regular time interval (time cycle).
Error     Ends a sub-process with an error. On a task boundary, either catches the specified error or any error if no error code is specified.
Cancel     Ends a transactional sub-process. On a task boundary, catches the cancel event thrown from within the sub-process.
Compensation   Either throws or catches a call for compensation. Used to process compensating activities for previously executed tasks.
Conditional     Triggered based on the evaluation of conditions.
Link     Creates a "go to" or "off page connector" to break up a process for better legibility.
Signal Broadcasts or catches signals.
Multiple Indicates that one of several possible triggers are to be thrown or caught.
Terminate       Ends the process and all activities within without compensation or error handling.