Keys for Date-Time Patterns

This section lists the resource keys for date-time controls.

Supported Date Time Keys
Resource Key Reference Value Description
date_month_abbrev ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] Used for the short names of the months in a calendar control. Specified as a JavaScript array.
date_month ['January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'] Used for the long names of the months in a calendar control. Specified as a JavaScript array.
date_day_abbrev ['Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'] Used for the short names of the days of the week in a calendar control. Always begins with Sunday. Specified as a JavaScript array.
time_ampm ['AM','PM'] Used for the Latin abbreviations for the 12-hour clock convention.
datetime_date_label Date Labels the date portion of a date-time control.
datetime_time_label Time Labels the time portion of a date-time control.
accessible_date_label {0} (enter as {1}) Accessible Forms: Used to augment the label for date, time, and date-time controls. {0} is substituted with the original control label, and {1} is substituted with the edit format used for the control.
date_today Today Used in the Date Picker. Clicking this label takes the date control to today's date.
date_format MMM dd, yyyy Used to display date values in a date-time control. This is a standard Java date format string.
date_time_format MMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss a Used to display date and time values in a date-time control. This is a standard Java date format string.
time_format hh:mm:ss a Used to display values in a time control. This is a standard Java date format string.
date_edit_format MM/dd/yyyy Used when users are expected to edit a date value directly in the text box. The format must be kept simple. You can modify the sequence of the year, month, and day; and then change the separators.
date_time_edit_format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ssZ Used when users are expected to edit a date-time value directly in the text box. The format must be kept simple. You can modify the sequence of the year, month, day, hours, minutes, and seconds; and then change the separators.
time_edit_format HH:mm:ssZ Used when users are expected to edit a time value directly in the text box. The format must be kept simple. You can modify the sequence of the hours, minutes, and seconds; and then change the separators.
date_picker_ok_label OK Labels the OK button in the time and date-time control pickers.
Unsupported Date Time Keys
Resource Key Reference Value Description
date_month_narrow ['J','F','M','A','M','J','J','A','S','O','N','D'] Used for narrow, one letter abbreviations of the months in a calendar control. Specified as a JavaScript array.
date_day ['Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'] Used for the long names of the days of the week in a calendar control. Always begins with Sunday. Specified as a JavaScript array.
date_day_narrow ['S','M','T','W','T','F','S'] Used for the narrow, one-letter abbreviations of the days of the week in a calendar control. Always begins with Sunday. Specified as a JavaScript array.
date_era_long ['Before Christ','Anno Domini'] Used for the complete text of era names in formatted dates. For example: Before Christ
date_era ['BC','AD'] Used for the short forms of era names in formatted dates. For example: BC
date_first_day_of_week 0 Used to indicate the first day of the week when displaying a calendar. If 0 is specified, the first day of a week is Sunday. If 1 is specified, the first day of a week is Monday, and so on.
date_hours_circle_basis 24 Used by the Date Picker to show the hours in 24-hour or 12-hour clock.
time_24hour true Used to determine whether the time is to be displayed in a 24-hour clock format.