Multiple BPM Systems in the Same ActiveMatrix Enterprise

Multiple BPM systems (version 2.2 or later) can be installed in the same ActiveMatrix enterprise, administered by the same ActiveMatrix Administrator server (version 3.3 or later).

Warning: Every BPM system in an ActiveMatrix enterprise must already be at version 2.2 (or later) before you add another BPM system to that enterprise.

You must upgrade any existing pre-version 2.2 BPM system in the enterprise to version 2.2 (or later) before adding an additional BPM system.

The following figure shows a simple example in which a development BPM system and a production BPM system are installed in the same ActiveMatrix enterprise.

Example: Two separate BPM systems in a single ActiveMatrix Enterprise

Note the following points about this example:

In this example... In general, in the same ActiveMatrix Enterprise...
Development and production BPM systems are both managed by the same ActiveMatrix Administrator server. Each ActiveMatrix host that hosts (any part of) a BPM system must be bound to the same ActiveMatrix Administrator server.
Development and production BPM systems are hosted on separate physical machines. Multiple BPM systems can be hosted on the same physical machine.
Development and production BPM systems both use the basic architecture (although ActiveMatrix Administrator is hosted separately). Multiple BPM systems can use different (basic or distributed) architectures as required.
Development and production BPM systems are hosted on separate ActiveMatrix Host instances. TIBCO recommend that:
  • each discrete BPM system is hosted on its own set of TIBCO Host instances.
  • ActiveMatrix Administrator is hosted on its own set of TIBCO Host instances.
Development and production BPM systems use different ActiveMatrix environments. Multiple BPM systems can either share the same ActiveMatrix environment or use different ActiveMatrix environments:
  • A shared environment allows each BPM system to access shared services, using service virtualization.
  • Using separate environments allows each BPM system to be completely isolated from other BPM systems.
Development and production BPM systems are hosted on separate ActiveMatrix nodes. Each BPM system must be hosted on a separate set of ActiveMatrix nodes.
The BPM application in the Development system is called BPM_Dev_App.

The BPM application in the Production system is called BPM_Prod_App.

Each instance of a BPM application in the same environment must have a unique name.
Development and production BPM databases are hosted on the same database server. Multiple BPM systems can use different database servers, and different types of database. (For example, one system may use Oracle, another SQL Server.)
The same LDAP and SMTP servers are used by both BPM systems. Multiple BPM systems can either use the same or separate LDAP or SMTP servers.
The same EMS server is used by both BPM systems. BPM systems that share the same ActiveMatrix environment must use the same EMS server.

BPM systems in different ActiveMatrix environments can use different EMS servers.

Note: The starting point for this procedure assumes that a (version 2.2 or later) development BPM system has already been installed, and that the ActiveMatrix Administrator server has been separately created. (See Creating an ActiveMatrix Administrator Server (Single or Replicated).)